contest BEGIN! Where There's Smoke, There's Tapas... Throwdown

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The Hot Pepper

It's BBQ Weekend!
  • Any protein smoked.
  • Indirect outdoor cooking (gas, electric, or charcoal/wood).
  • Presented competition style or as an entree.
  • Sides you made allowed if on the same plate only.
  • 3 proteins max.
  • Must be made from the BBQ protein.
  • Presented as tapas (small plate).
  • 3 tapas max (from same protein, respectively).
BBQ is sometimes hard to judge on the Internet... it's just meat. And there is often no need to be creative. That's where the tapas comes in. Tapas means small plates in Spanish. It's a cuisine where you order small plates of things that would normally be entrees, or they are small versions of appetizers, or snacks. Often at a bar or standing. Always informal. Often you combine multiple plates to form a meal. It was designed to inspire conversation and relaxation during eating. Sounds kinda like backyard BBQ, doesn't it? So the challenge here is to make a protein and make tapas from that protein. You smoking a pork butt? Great. We must see that pork butt presented how you would prepare it and your tapas creation made from that pork butt. So the tapas here could be two pulled pork sliders, or one pulled pork taco, or a mini-BBQ pork spring roll. Get it? I know you guys are super creative so let's see some awesome stuff! It can be simple or fancy... yes, you can foo foo it up. What you are creating is tapas from BBQ. Could we see this in a tapas restaurant?
Everyone likes to BBQ multiple proteins. So if you do, you can enter more than one protein as long as you make one (max) tapas from that protein!
Pork butt - tapas from pork butt
Sausage - tapas from sausage
Brisket - tapas from brisket
Remember, we must see the BBQ presented as well. The BBQ is not just an ingredient for the tapas. I am assuming if you make pork butt you are making pulled pork... and with brisket... slices... etc. So present the best of your BBQ (competition style or as an entree), and get creative with the tapas.
You may show sides you made with the BBQ if on the same plate. Tapas is... tapas. Alone. If making a pulled pork sandwich as the entree... don't make a slider as the tapas... just sayin'! Competition style could be the way to go here. Up to you!
Additional cooking methods allowed for the tapas and sides (and you can use your kitchen).
Veggie is welcome!

READ: The 5 Rules for an eligible entry
  • The two pic rule applies, but for each additional protein, you get two extra pics; one for BBQ, one for tapas. So basically one pic per entered item.
  • 3 protein (6 item) max!
  • PoL: .76
Quail, whole chicken and anchovies

Have a safe and happy 4th peoples.


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Columbia River Steelhead!

I have no idea how this will all turn out, might use all these ingredients, or none.  I JayT'd a smoked salmon recipe, so that's what's being used for the brine.  What the tapas will be...????  I haven't a clue!  :lol:  This should make for an interesting TD, anyway.
Some 7Pot powder, and Fresno chiles.  Again, not realy sure how the Fresnos will be used, but it seemed like a good idea to get some. 


Now THAT's a slab o' meat!

Small container with some 7 Pot added to the brine.

Everyone in the pool!  After the shot, I turned the pieces over so the flesh was submerged.  Into the refer for 24 -30 hours. 

I think I messed up on timing in getting this started.  30 hours soak, 2-3 hours dry, 6 hours smoke, 2 hours rest....I'm gonna be pulling an all-nighter tomorrow.  :doh:
Nice start!
Phil, I like where that is headed!
Someone stole your steelhead too. Better jump in before someone steals quinoa.
Scovie, it's pronounced (kwin-OH-ah).  ;)  :lol:  I wanna see TB some of that!
Nice Tamales, Buzz.  That's a lot of work for them puppies.  Looking forward to the final product. 
Boss, asked this in the main thread
Not sure if this was answered, do we HAVE TO show all ingredients used with POL or can we just show proteins? I am smoking tomorrow all day but very doubtful I'll get to everything until Sunday.
Also, doing pork butts 2 different ways, can they be used as 2 different tapas since it is same protein? 
Joyners, you only have to have PoL in at least 1 picture.  Can be the plate up, prep or ingredients.    Not sure about the rest of the questions. 
Thanks, Buzz, I'm looking forward to eating it!  Hope it turns out, this is my first time doing up a real smoked salmon. 
pssst, Scovie, :lol:  I know ;)  Forgotten about that commercial though  :lol:
.76. I probably forgot some ingredients in my pol pics. sorry about that. there is butter, chicken bouillon, fresh orange, and a few other things perhaps. woods are cherry and hickory. the marinating bag is shrimp.





Not sure how this will play into the final set, but our cherry trees are absolutely LOADED, might as well use some,  sounds like it will go .  Thinking of some kind of vinaigrette...
about 3 cups pitted cherries
1/4 cup triple sec ( not sure why, just seemed like a good idea.  :lol: )
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup minced shallot
cook it all up, hit it with the BoatMotor and blender the snot out of it, add about 1 cup sugar, reduce it down to a nice thick consistency.
Refer it until tomorrow.  Then check the flavor and adjust as needed.  Haven't added any spice yet, might need a bit more vinegar...depends on how the tapas come together.




edit to get "blender the snot out of it" into the text.  :lol:
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